Written Into the Picture: l'étude sur le manque de visibilité des scénaristes dans les Festivals (en téléchargement gratuit)!

Written Into the Picture, Investigating Screenwriters’ Lack of Visibility at Film Festivals

Researched and written by Cathy John

The aim of this investigation was to scrutinise the role of screenwriters at film festivals. It was initiated by the International Affiliation of Writers Guilds (IAWG) and Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE).This joint initiative arose from the 2009 World Conference of Screenwriters in Athens, where it was resolved that the vital contribution of screenwriters needs to be more fully acknowledged both within the film industry and in the public arena at large. Investigating how screenwriters were recognised at film festivals was the first step in this broader initiative.
Download Press release and Full Report with Appendices (WARNING: 104 pages; 3.2 MB) or Main Report (20 pages)/Appendix 1/Appendix 2/Appendix 3/Appendix 4/Appendix 5/Appendix 6/Appendix 7/Appendix 8